Happy New Year

As we reflect back on 2020 it has been quite a year. It’s been full of good, and definitely some negative things, to different degrees for different people. Regardless of where you feel you fall on that spectrum, I think we can all agree that this past year did not go how we imagined that it would when we were looking forward just a year ago. I don’t know about you, but I generally don’t like it when things don’t go the way that I imagined they would. It makes me uncomfortable, and I feel like I’m not in control. What I’m having to realize is that I feel that way because I’m truly not in control, and that’s okay.

I recently read James 1 and realized that 2020 has been a perfect example of what James was sharing. It certainly seems to me that many of us have faced trials of many kinds this past year. I compared a couple different versions of this text, and it was The Message version that stuck with me personally. James 1 2-4 “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well developed, not deficient in any way.” Clearly my faith life has been forced in to the open more than before as I’ve felt lead to share these thoughts, but thats not all. Perhaps more importantly it has been forced out in to the open for me personally in my own life, I’ve begun to realize it’s not something intended to hang out in the background. I had a leadership class in college, and one thing we discussed was that it’s what you don’t know that you don’t know that hurts you. I think a lot of what God has done for me this year is show me what I don’t know. Reading through the Bible showed me how much there is in it to learn and be put in to practice. I’ve realized how at odds with God most of our world has become today, and how it can be difficult to navigate walking with him in this mess. I could go on, but I’m also thankful for all that I’ve learned and do know now. Having gotten through the Bible once, it’s not the intimidating monstrosity that it once was. It’s not all easy to understand and get through, but I have a much better general concept for it and what it is now. That combined with Podcasts and other sources I’ve found this past year have helped me know more about who Jesus is and who he wants me to be than ever before. That still may not be much, but it’s a step in the right direction and something to be thankful for. I think if we look around we can all find things big and small to be thankful for. It might be simple things like having a roof over our heads and food on the table. It might be something very positive that you’ve managed to salvage out of the negativity of this time such as time spent with family or an important lesson learned. 

That being said, is it easy to consider facing trials a joy? Absolutely not always, for me at least. If you have the secret formula, please share. People have lost their jobs this year. Precious time with family and friends has been sacrificed in the name of keeping loved ones safe for many. Some have had to wonder if they’re going to be able to provide for their families. Others have found extra time on their hands and had old demons they’d conquered come back around on them. Our country and world has been filled with division and hatred over politics and so many other things. Perhaps worst of all, many have feared for their own life or suffered the loss of a loved one at the hands of this virus and what it causes. All of those circumstances are very hard. I’m very thankful not to have been effected drastically by most of them, and my prayers go out to those who have been. But, we’re supposed to consider these things a gift? Ultimately, yes, because it is through them that our faith is made stronger if we know Jesus, and prayerfully those who don’t will come to see their need for him. 

I hope you can find positive outcomes when you look back at your 2020, and leave the negative behind. This is an opportunity for a fresh start! I pray we all can make good use of that chance, and the fresh start that is available through Jesus each day. In 2021, I want to focus on keeping Jesus in the center, and becoming who he wants me to be. Happy new year, and have a blessed 2021! 


Searching For Solace


Walking by Faith